2037-使每位学生都有座位的最少移动次数(Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone)
发表于:2021-12-03 | 分类: 简单
字数统计: 1.1k | 阅读时长: 5分钟 | 阅读量:

原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/minimum-number-of-moves-to-seat-everyone


There are n seats and n students in a room. You are given an array seats of length n, where seats[i] is the position of the ith seat. You are also given the array students of length n, where students[j] is the position of the jth student.

You may perform the following move any number of times:

  • Increase or decrease the position of the ith student by 1 (i.e., moving the ith student from position x to x + 1 or x - 1)

Return the minimum number of moves required to move each student to a seat such that no two students are in the same seat.

Note that there may be multiple seats or students in the same position at the beginning.


Example 1:

Input: seats = [3,1,5], students = [2,7,4]
Output: 4
Explanation: The students are moved as follows:
- The first student is moved from from position 2 to position 1 using 1 move.
- The second student is moved from from position 7 to position 5 using 2 moves.
- The third student is moved from from position 4 to position 3 using 1 move.
In total, 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 moves were used.

Example 2:

Input: seats = [4,1,5,9], students = [1,3,2,6]
Output: 7
Explanation: The students are moved as follows:
- The first student is not moved.
- The second student is moved from from position 3 to position 4 using 1 move.
- The third student is moved from from position 2 to position 5 using 3 moves.
- The fourth student is moved from from position 6 to position 9 using 3 moves.
In total, 0 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 7 moves were used.

Example 3:

Input: seats = [2,2,6,6], students = [1,3,2,6]
Output: 4
Explanation: Note that there are two seats at position 2 and two seats at position 6.
The students are moved as follows:
- The first student is moved from from position 1 to position 2 using 1 move.
- The second student is moved from from position 3 to position 6 using 3 moves.
- The third student is not moved.
- The fourth student is not moved.
In total, 1 + 3 + 0 + 0 = 4 moves were used.



  • n == seats.length == students.length
  • 1 <= n <= 100
  • 1 <= seats[i], students[j] <= 100


一个房间里有 n 个座位和 n 名学生,房间用一个数轴表示。给你一个长度为 n 的数组 seats ,其中 seats[i] 是第 i 个座位的位置。同时给你一个长度为 n 的数组 students ,其中 students[j] 是第 j 位学生的位置。


  • 增加或者减少第 i 位学生的位置,每次变化量为 1 (也就是将第 i 位学生从位置 x 移动到 x + 1 或者 x - 1

请你返回使所有学生都有座位坐的 最少移动次数 ,并确保没有两位学生的座位相同。

请注意,初始时有可能有多个座位或者多位学生在 同一 位置。


示例 1:

输入:seats = [3,1,5], students = [2,7,4]
- 第一位学生从位置 2 移动到位置 1 ,移动 1 次。
- 第二位学生从位置 7 移动到位置 5 ,移动 2 次。
- 第三位学生从位置 4 移动到位置 3 ,移动 1 次。
总共 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 次移动。

示例 2:

输入:seats = [4,1,5,9], students = [1,3,2,6]
- 第一位学生不移动。
- 第二位学生从位置 3 移动到位置 4 ,移动 1 次。
- 第三位学生从位置 2 移动到位置 5 ,移动 3 次。
- 第四位学生从位置 6 移动到位置 9 ,移动 3 次。
总共 0 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 7 次移动。

示例 3:

输入:seats = [2,2,6,6], students = [1,3,2,6]
- 第一位学生从位置 1 移动到位置 2 ,移动 1 次。
- 第二位学生从位置 3 移动到位置 6 ,移动 3 次。
- 第三位学生不移动。
- 第四位学生不移动。
总共 1 + 3 + 0 + 0 = 4 次移动。



  • n == seats.length == students.length
  • 1 <= n <= 100
  • 1 <= seats[i], students[j] <= 100



由于座位和学生数相同,一个萝卜一个坑,将座位和学生位置排序后,第 $i$ 个学生可以对应第 $i$ 个座位。


func minMovesToSeat(seats, students []int) (ans int) {
	for i, p := range seats {
		ans += abs(p - students[i])

func abs(x int) int {
	if x < 0 {
		return -x
	return x


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3611 4354 82.9%


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