原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/implement-queue-using-stacks-lcci
Implement a MyQueue class which implements a queue using two stacks.
MyQueue queue = new MyQueue(); queue.push(1); queue.push(2); queue.peek(); // return 1 queue.pop(); // return 1 queue.empty(); // return false
- You must use only standard operations of a stack -- which means only
push to top
,peek/pop from top
, andis empty
operations are valid. - Depending on your language, stack may not be supported natively. You may simulate a stack by using a list or deque (double-ended queue), as long as you use only standard operations of a stack.
- You may assume that all operations are valid (for example, no pop or peek operations will be called on an empty queue).
MyQueue queue = new MyQueue();
queue.peek(); // 返回 1
queue.pop(); // 返回 1
queue.empty(); // 返回 false
- 你只能使用标准的栈操作 -- 也就是只有
push to top
,peek/pop from top
和is empty
操作是合法的。 - 你所使用的语言也许不支持栈。你可以使用 list 或者 deque(双端队列)来模拟一个栈,只要是标准的栈操作即可。
- 假设所有操作都是有效的 (例如,一个空的队列不会调用 pop 或者 peek 操作)。
🧠 解题思路
队列的特性是 $FIFO$(先入先出),而栈的特性是 $FILO$(先入后出)。
注意:根据栈的的特性,我们仅能使用 $push$ 和 $pop$ 操作。
🎨 图解演示
[]var MyQueue = function() { this.stackIn = []; this.stackOut = []; }; MyQueue.prototype.push = function(x) { this.stackIn.push(x); }; MyQueue.prototype.pop = function() { while(this.stackIn.length > 1){ this.stackOut.push(this.stackIn.pop()); } let ans = this.stackIn.pop(); while(this.stackOut.length){ this.stackIn.push(this.stackOut.pop()); } return ans; }; MyQueue.prototype.peek = function() { while(this.stackIn.length){ this.stackOut.push(this.stackIn.pop()); } let ans = this.stackOut[this.stackOut.length - 1]; while(this.stackOut.length){ this.stackIn.push(this.stackOut.pop()); } return ans; }; MyQueue.prototype.empty = function() { return !this.stackIn.length && !this.stackOut.length; };
[]class MyQueue { private: stack<int> inStack, outStack; void in2out() { while (!inStack.empty()) { outStack.push(inStack.top()); inStack.pop(); } } public: MyQueue() {} void push(int x) { inStack.push(x); } int pop() { if (outStack.empty()) { in2out(); } int x = outStack.top(); outStack.pop(); return x; } int peek() { if (outStack.empty()) { in2out(); } return outStack.top(); } bool empty() { return inStack.empty() && outStack.empty(); } };
[]class MyQueue { Deque<Integer> inStack; Deque<Integer> outStack; public MyQueue() { inStack = new LinkedList<Integer>(); outStack = new LinkedList<Integer>(); } public void push(int x) { inStack.push(x); } public int pop() { if (outStack.isEmpty()) { in2out(); } return outStack.pop(); } public int peek() { if (outStack.isEmpty()) { in2out(); } return outStack.peek(); } public boolean empty() { return inStack.isEmpty() && outStack.isEmpty(); } private void in2out() { while (!inStack.isEmpty()) { outStack.push(inStack.pop()); } } }
[]type MyQueue struct { inStack, outStack []int } func Constructor() MyQueue { return MyQueue{} } func (q *MyQueue) Push(x int) { q.inStack = append(q.inStack, x) } func (q *MyQueue) in2out() { for len(q.inStack) > 0 { q.outStack = append(q.outStack, q.inStack[len(q.inStack)-1]) q.inStack = q.inStack[:len(q.inStack)-1] } } func (q *MyQueue) Pop() int { if len(q.outStack) == 0 { q.in2out() } x := q.outStack[len(q.outStack)-1] q.outStack = q.outStack[:len(q.outStack)-1] return x } func (q *MyQueue) Peek() int { if len(q.outStack) == 0 { q.in2out() } return q.outStack[len(q.outStack)-1] } func (q *MyQueue) Empty() bool { return len(q.inStack) == 0 && len(q.outStack) == 0 }
[]typedef struct { int* stk; int stkSize; int stkCapacity; } Stack; Stack* stackCreate(int cpacity) { Stack* ret = malloc(sizeof(Stack)); ret->stk = malloc(sizeof(int) * cpacity); ret->stkSize = 0; ret->stkCapacity = cpacity; return ret; } void stackPush(Stack* obj, int x) { obj->stk[obj->stkSize++] = x; } void stackPop(Stack* obj) { obj->stkSize--; } int stackTop(Stack* obj) { return obj->stk[obj->stkSize - 1]; } bool stackEmpty(Stack* obj) { return obj->stkSize == 0; } void stackFree(Stack* obj) { free(obj->stk); } typedef struct { Stack* inStack; Stack* outStack; } MyQueue; MyQueue* myQueueCreate() { MyQueue* ret = malloc(sizeof(MyQueue)); ret->inStack = stackCreate(100); ret->outStack = stackCreate(100); return ret; } void in2out(MyQueue* obj) { while (!stackEmpty(obj->inStack)) { stackPush(obj->outStack, stackTop(obj->inStack)); stackPop(obj->inStack); } } void myQueuePush(MyQueue* obj, int x) { stackPush(obj->inStack, x); } int myQueuePop(MyQueue* obj) { if (stackEmpty(obj->outStack)) { in2out(obj); } int x = stackTop(obj->outStack); stackPop(obj->outStack); return x; } int myQueuePeek(MyQueue* obj) { if (stackEmpty(obj->outStack)) { in2out(obj); } return stackTop(obj->outStack); } bool myQueueEmpty(MyQueue* obj) { return stackEmpty(obj->inStack) && stackEmpty(obj->outStack); } void myQueueFree(MyQueue* obj) { stackFree(obj->inStack); stackFree(obj->outStack); }
嘿,少年,做图不易,留下个赞或评论再走吧!谢啦~ 💐
差点忘了,祝你牛年大吉 🐮 ,AC 和 Offer 📑 多多益善~
⛲⛲⛲ 期待下次再见~
通过次数 | 提交次数 | AC比率 |
24498 | 34322 | 71.4% |
提交时间 | 提交结果 | 执行时间 | 内存消耗 | 语言 |