936-戳印序列(Stamping The Sequence)
发表于:2021-12-03 | 分类: 困难
字数统计: 2k | 阅读时长: 10分钟 | 阅读量:

原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/stamping-the-sequence


You are given two strings stamp and target. Initially, there is a string s of length target.length with all s[i] == '?'.

In one turn, you can place stamp over s and replace every letter in the s with the corresponding letter from stamp.

  • For example, if stamp = "abc" and target = "abcba", then s is "?????" initially. In one turn you can:
        <li>place <code>stamp</code> at index <code>0</code> of <code>s</code> to obtain <code>&quot;abc??&quot;</code>,</li>
        <li>place <code>stamp</code> at index <code>1</code> of <code>s</code> to obtain <code>&quot;?abc?&quot;</code>, or</li>
        <li>place <code>stamp</code> at index <code>2</code> of <code>s</code> to obtain <code>&quot;??abc&quot;</code>.</li>
    Note that <code>stamp</code> must be fully contained in the boundaries of <code>s</code> in order to stamp (i.e., you cannot place <code>stamp</code> at index <code>3</code> of <code>s</code>).</li>

We want to convert s to target using at most 10 * target.length turns.

Return an array of the index of the left-most letter being stamped at each turn. If we cannot obtain target from s within 10 * target.length turns, return an empty array.


Example 1:

Input: stamp = "abc", target = "ababc"
Output: [0,2]
Explanation: Initially s = "?????".
- Place stamp at index 0 to get "abc??".
- Place stamp at index 2 to get "ababc".
[1,0,2] would also be accepted as an answer, as well as some other answers.

Example 2:

Input: stamp = "abca", target = "aabcaca"
Output: [3,0,1]
Explanation: Initially s = "???????".
- Place stamp at index 3 to get "???abca".
- Place stamp at index 0 to get "abcabca".
- Place stamp at index 1 to get "aabcaca".



  • 1 <= stamp.length <= target.length <= 1000
  • stamp and target consist of lowercase English letters.


你想要用小写字母组成一个目标字符串 target。 

开始的时候,序列由 target.length 个 '?' 记号组成。而你有一个小写字母印章 stamp

在每个回合,你可以将印章放在序列上,并将序列中的每个字母替换为印章上的相应字母。你最多可以进行 10 * target.length  个回合。

举个例子,如果初始序列为 "?????",而你的印章 stamp 是 "abc",那么在第一回合,你可以得到 "abc??"、"?abc?"、"??abc"。(请注意,印章必须完全包含在序列的边界内才能盖下去。)


例如,如果序列是 "ababc",印章是 "abc",那么我们就可以返回与操作 "?????" -> "abc??" -> "ababc" 相对应的答案 [0, 2]

另外,如果可以印出序列,那么需要保证可以在 10 * target.length 个回合内完成。任何超过此数字的答案将不被接受。


示例 1:

输入:stamp = "abc", target = "ababc"
([1,0,2] 以及其他一些可能的结果也将作为答案被接受)

示例 2:

输入:stamp = "abca", target = "aabcaca"



  1. 1 <= stamp.length <= target.length <= 1000
  2. stamp 和 target 只包含小写字母。





如果我们正着考虑戳印序列,即将问号序列变为目标序列 target,那么这个问题会很难下手,因为某一个戳印会将前面的戳印覆盖掉。但我们如果倒着考虑这个问题(逆推),即将目标序列 target 变为问号序列,那么这个问题就变得可解决了。

我们将 target 中从第 i 个字符开始的长度为 stamp.length 的字符串称为第 i 个窗口。在第一步时,只有和 stamp 完全匹配的窗口才能进行戳印,而被戳印的所有位置都会变成问号 ?,在后续的戳印过程中,问号可以匹配任意字符。

例如 target"aabcaca"stamp"abca",在逆推时,首先选择第 1 个窗口戳印,target 变为 "a????ca",随后选择第 30 个窗口戳印,target 依次变为 "a??????""???????"


我们对每个窗口维护两个集合 madetodo,前者表示和 stamp 可以匹配的位置,后者表示不可以匹配的位置(后者中只有某个位置的字符变成了问号,它才会变成可以匹配的位置)。只有当一个窗口的 todo 集合为空,这个窗口才可以被戳印,从而把一些字符变成问号。

我们用一个队列存储所有因为戳印而变成问号的字符位置。队列初始时包含所有 todo 集合一开始就为空的窗口对应的位置。当我们取出队列中的一个位置时,我们遍历所有覆盖了该位置的窗口,并且更新这些窗口的 todo 集合。如果 todo 集合变为空,那就说明产生了一个新的可被戳印的窗口,我们把这个窗口中所有未变成问号的字符的位置添加入队列中。

class Solution { public int[] movesToStamp(String stamp, String target) { int M = stamp.length(), N = target.length(); Queue<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque(); boolean[] done = new boolean[N]; Stack<Integer> ans = new Stack(); List<Node> A = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i <= N-M; ++i) { // For each window [i, i+M), A[i] will contain // info on what needs to change before we can // reverse stamp at this window. Set<Integer> made = new HashSet(); Set<Integer> todo = new HashSet(); for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) { if (target.charAt(i+j) == stamp.charAt(j)) made.add(i+j); else todo.add(i+j); } A.add(new Node(made, todo)); // If we can reverse stamp at i immediately, // enqueue letters from this window. if (todo.isEmpty()) { ans.push(i); for (int j = i; j < i + M; ++j) if (!done[j]) { queue.add(j); done[j] = true; } } } // For each enqueued letter (position), while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int i = queue.poll(); // For each window that is potentially affected, // j: start of window for (int j = Math.max(0, i-M+1); j <= Math.min(N-M, i); ++j) { if (A.get(j).todo.contains(i)) { // This window is affected A.get(j).todo.remove(i); if (A.get(j).todo.isEmpty()) { ans.push(j); for (int m: A.get(j).made) if (!done[m]) { queue.add(m); done[m] = true; } } } } } for (boolean b: done) if (!b) return new int[0]; int[] ret = new int[ans.size()]; int t = 0; while (!ans.isEmpty()) ret[t++] = ans.pop(); return ret; } } class Node { Set<Integer> made, todo; Node(Set<Integer> m, Set<Integer> t) { made = m; todo = t; } }
class Solution(object): def movesToStamp(self, stamp, target): M, N = len(stamp), len(target) queue = collections.deque() done = [False] * N ans = [] A = [] for i in xrange(N - M + 1): # For each window [i, i+M), # A[i] will contain info on what needs to change # before we can reverse stamp at i. made, todo = set(), set() for j, c in enumerate(stamp): a = target[i+j] if a == c: made.add(i+j) else: todo.add(i+j) A.append((made, todo)) # If we can reverse stamp at i immediately, # enqueue letters from this window. if not todo: ans.append(i) for j in xrange(i, i + len(stamp)): if not done[j]: queue.append(j) done[j] = True # For each enqueued letter, while queue: i = queue.popleft() # For each window that is potentially affected, # j: start of window for j in xrange(max(0, i-M+1), min(N-M, i)+1): if i in A[j][1]: # This window is affected A[j][1].discard(i) # Remove it from todo list of this window if not A[j][1]: # Todo list of this window is empty ans.append(j) for m in A[j][0]: # For each letter to potentially enqueue, if not done[m]: queue.append(m) done[m] = True return ans[::-1] if all(done) else []


  • 时间复杂度:$O(N(N-M))$,其中 $M$ 和 $N$ 分别是数组 stamptarget 的长度。

  • 空间复杂度:$O(N(N-M))$。


通过次数 提交次数 AC比率
1621 4243 38.2%


提交时间 提交结果 执行时间 内存消耗 语言
935-骑士拨号器(Knight Dialer)
937-重新排列日志文件(Reorder Data in Log Files)