1226-哲学家进餐(The Dining Philosophers)
发表于:2021-12-03 | 分类: 中等
字数统计: 4.9k | 阅读时长: 21分钟 | 阅读量:

原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/the-dining-philosophers


Five silent philosophers sit at a round table with bowls of spaghetti. Forks are placed between each pair of adjacent philosophers.

Each philosopher must alternately think and eat. However, a philosopher can only eat spaghetti when they have both left and right forks. Each fork can be held by only one philosopher and so a philosopher can use the fork only if it is not being used by another philosopher. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, they need to put down both forks so that the forks become available to others. A philosopher can take the fork on their right or the one on their left as they become available, but cannot start eating before getting both forks.

Eating is not limited by the remaining amounts of spaghetti or stomach space; an infinite supply and an infinite demand are assumed.

Design a discipline of behaviour (a concurrent algorithm) such that no philosopher will starve; i.e., each can forever continue to alternate between eating and thinking, assuming that no philosopher can know when others may want to eat or think.

The problem statement and the image above are taken from wikipedia.org


The philosophers' ids are numbered from 0 to 4 in a clockwise order. Implement the function void wantsToEat(philosopher, pickLeftFork, pickRightFork, eat, putLeftFork, putRightFork) where:

  • philosopher is the id of the philosopher who wants to eat.
  • pickLeftFork and pickRightFork are functions you can call to pick the corresponding forks of that philosopher.
  • eat is a function you can call to let the philosopher eat once he has picked both forks.
  • putLeftFork and putRightFork are functions you can call to put down the corresponding forks of that philosopher.
  • The philosophers are assumed to be thinking as long as they are not asking to eat (the function is not being called with their number).

Five threads, each representing a philosopher, will simultaneously use one object of your class to simulate the process. The function may be called for the same philosopher more than once, even before the last call ends.


Example 1:

Input: n = 1
Output: [[4,2,1],[4,1,1],[0,1,1],[2,2,1],[2,1,1],[2,0,3],[2,1,2],[2,2,2],[4,0,3],[4,1,2],[0,2,1],[4,2,2],[3,2,1],[3,1,1],[0,0,3],[0,1,2],[0,2,2],[1,2,1],[1,1,1],[3,0,3],[3,1,2],[3,2,2],[1,0,3],[1,1,2],[1,2,2]]
n is the number of times each philosopher will call the function.
The output array describes the calls you made to the functions controlling the forks and the eat function, its format is:
output[i] = [a, b, c] (three integers)
- a is the id of a philosopher.
- b specifies the fork: {1 : left, 2 : right}.
- c specifies the operation: {1 : pick, 2 : put, 3 : eat}.



  • 1 <= n <= 60


5 个沉默寡言的哲学家围坐在圆桌前,每人面前一盘意面。叉子放在哲学家之间的桌面上。(5 个哲学家,5 根叉子)




问题描述和图片来自维基百科 wikipedia.org


哲学家从 04顺时针 编号。请实现函数 void wantsToEat(philosopher, pickLeftFork, pickRightFork, eat, putLeftFork, putRightFork)

  • philosopher 哲学家的编号。
  • pickLeftFork 和 pickRightFork 表示拿起左边或右边的叉子。
  • eat 表示吃面。
  • putLeftFork 和 putRightFork 表示放下左边或右边的叉子。
  • 由于哲学家不是在吃面就是在想着啥时候吃面,所以思考这个方法没有对应的回调。

给你 5 个线程,每个都代表一个哲学家,请你使用类的同一个对象来模拟这个过程。在最后一次调用结束之前,可能会为同一个哲学家多次调用该函数。



输入:n = 1
n 表示每个哲学家需要进餐的次数。
output[i] = [a, b, c] (3个整数)
- a 哲学家编号。
- b 指定叉子:{1 : 左边, 2 : 右边}.
- c 指定行为:{1 : 拿起, 2 : 放下, 3 : 吃面}。
如 [4,2,1] 表示 4 号哲学家拿起了右边的叉子。



  • 1 <= n <= 60



易知:当 $5$ 个哲学家都拿着其左边(或右边)的叉子时,会进入死锁。

PS:死锁的 $4$ 个必要条件:

  1. 互斥条件:一个资源每次只能被一个进程使用,即在一段时间内某 资源仅为一个进程所占有。此时若有其他进程请求该资源,则请求进程只能等待。
  2. 请求与保持条件:进程已经保持了至少一个资源,但又提出了新的资源请求,而该资源 已被其他进程占有,此时请求进程被阻塞,但对自己已获得的资源保持不放。
  3. 不可剥夺条件:进程所获得的资源在未使用完毕之前,不能被其他进程强行夺走,即只能 由获得该资源的进程自己来释放(只能是主动释放)。
  4. 循环等待条件: 若干进程间形成首尾相接循环等待资源的关系。

最多只允许 $4$ 个哲学家去持有叉子,可保证至少有 $1$ 个哲学家能吃上意大利面(即获得到 $2$ 个叉子)。
因为最差情况下是:$4$ 个哲学家都各自持有1个叉子,此时还 剩余 $1$ 个叉子 可供使用,这 $4$ 个哲学家中必然有1人能获取到这个 剩余的 $1$ 个叉子,从而手持 $2$ 个叉子,可以吃意大利面。
即:$4$ 个人中,$1$ 个人有 $2$ 个叉子,$3$ 个人各持 $1$ 个叉子,共计 $5$ 个叉子。



当这$3$个哲学家刚好都相邻(比如:编号为图中的0, 1, 2),可能会造成只有$1$个哲学家能吃到意面的情况,具体而言即0号哲学家拿到了其左侧的叉子(编号为1),1号哲学家也拿到了其左侧的叉子(编号为2),2号哲学家也拿到了其左侧的叉子(编号为3),此时只有0号哲学家能拿到其右侧的叉子(编号为0),因此只有0号哲学家能吃到意面。
即:$3$ 个人中,$2$ 个人各自持有 $2$ 个叉子,$1$ 个人持有 $1$ 个叉子,共计 $5$ 个叉子。

并且仔细想想,叉子的数目是固定的(个数为5),直觉上来讲3个人去抢5个叉子 比 4个人去抢5个叉子效率高。

Semaphore去实现上述的限制:Semaphore eatLimit = new Semaphore(4);

给叉子编号 $0, 1, 2, 3, 4$(对应数组下标)。




class DiningPhilosophers { //1个Fork视为1个ReentrantLock,5个叉子即5个ReentrantLock,将其都放入数组中 private final ReentrantLock[] lockList = {new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock()}; //限制 最多只有4个哲学家去持有叉子 private Semaphore eatLimit = new Semaphore(4); public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftFork = (philosopher + 1) % 5; //左边的叉子 的编号 int rightFork = philosopher; //右边的叉子 的编号 eatLimit.acquire(); //限制的人数 -1 lockList[leftFork].lock(); //拿起左边的叉子 lockList[rightFork].lock(); //拿起右边的叉子 pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 lockList[leftFork].unlock(); //放下左边的叉子 lockList[rightFork].unlock(); //放下右边的叉子 eatLimit.release();//限制的人数 +1 } }



方法 $2$:
设置 $1$ 个临界区以实现 $1$ 个哲学家 “同时”拿起左右 $2$ 把叉子的效果。
即进入临界区之后,保证成功获取到左右 $2$ 把叉子 并 执行相关代码后,才退出临界区。



方法2是在成功拿起左右叉子之后就退出临界区,而“只让1个哲学家就餐”是在拿起左右叉子 + 吃意面 + 放下左右叉子 一套流程走完之后才退出临界区。


  1. 1号哲学家拿起左右叉子(1号叉子 + 2号叉子)后就退出临界区,此时4号哲学家成功挤进临界区,他也成功拿起了左右叉子(0号叉子和4号叉子),然后就退出临界区。
  2. 1号哲学家拿起左右叉子(1号叉子 + 2号叉子)后就退出临界区,此时2号哲学家成功挤进临界区,他需要拿起2号叉子和3号叉子,但2号叉子有一定的概率还被1号哲学家持有(1号哲学家意面还没吃完),因此2号哲学家进入临界区后还需要等待2号叉子。至于3号叉子,根本没其他人跟2号哲学家争夺,因此可以将该种情况视为“2号哲学家只拿起了1只叉子,在等待另1只叉子”的情况。






class DiningPhilosophers { //1个Fork视为1个ReentrantLock,5个叉子即5个ReentrantLock,将其都放入数组中 private final ReentrantLock[] lockList = {new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock()}; //让 1个哲学家可以 “同时”拿起2个叉子(搞个临界区) private ReentrantLock pickBothForks = new ReentrantLock(); public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftFork = (philosopher + 1) % 5; //左边的叉子 的编号 int rightFork = philosopher; //右边的叉子 的编号 pickBothForks.lock(); //进入临界区 lockList[leftFork].lock(); //拿起左边的叉子 lockList[rightFork].lock(); //拿起右边的叉子 pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 pickBothForks.unlock(); //退出临界区 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 lockList[leftFork].unlock(); //放下左边的叉子 lockList[rightFork].unlock(); //放下右边的叉子 } }
class DiningPhilosophers { //只允许1个哲学家就餐 private ReentrantLock pickBothForks = new ReentrantLock(); public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftFork = (philosopher + 1) % 5; //左边的叉子 的编号 int rightFork = philosopher; //右边的叉子 的编号 pickBothForks.lock(); //进入临界区 pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 pickBothForks.unlock(); //退出临界区 } }

方法 $3$:
前面说过,该题的本质是考察 如何避免死锁
而当5个哲学家都左手持有左边的叉子 或 当5个哲学家都右手持有右边的叉子时,会发生死锁



class DiningPhilosophers { //1个Fork视为1个ReentrantLock,5个叉子即5个ReentrantLock,将其都放入数组中 private final ReentrantLock[] lockList = {new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock(), new ReentrantLock()}; public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftFork = (philosopher + 1) % 5; //左边的叉子 的编号 int rightFork = philosopher; //右边的叉子 的编号 //编号为偶数的哲学家,优先拿起左边的叉子,再拿起右边的叉子 if (philosopher % 2 == 0) { lockList[leftFork].lock(); //拿起左边的叉子 lockList[rightFork].lock(); //拿起右边的叉子 } //编号为奇数的哲学家,优先拿起右边的叉子,再拿起左边的叉子 else { lockList[rightFork].lock(); //拿起右边的叉子 lockList[leftFork].lock(); //拿起左边的叉子 } pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 lockList[leftFork].unlock(); //放下左边的叉子 lockList[rightFork].unlock(); //放下右边的叉子 } }


位运算就可以表示5个叉子的使用状态,只需用1个volatile修饰的int变量即可 + CAS操作即可。
volatile修饰的int变量 + CAS操作 -> AtomicInteger

class DiningPhilosophers { //初始化为0, 二进制表示则为00000, 说明当前所有叉子都未被使用 private AtomicInteger fork = new AtomicInteger(0); //每个叉子的int值(即二进制的00001, 00010, 00100, 01000, 10000) private final int[] forkMask = new int[]{1, 2, 4, 8, 16}; //限制 最多只有4个哲学家去持有叉子 private Semaphore eatLimit = new Semaphore(4); public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftMask = forkMask[(philosopher + 1) % 5], rightMask = forkMask[philosopher]; eatLimit.acquire(); //限制的人数 -1 while (!pickFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起左边的叉子 while (!pickFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起右边的叉子 pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 while (!putFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //放下左边的叉子 while (!putFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //放下右边的叉子 eatLimit.release(); //限制的人数 +1 } private boolean pickFork(int mask) { int expect = fork.get(); return (expect & mask) > 0 ? false : fork.compareAndSet(expect, expect ^ mask); } private boolean putFork(int mask) { int expect = fork.get(); return fork.compareAndSet(expect, expect ^ mask); } }
class DiningPhilosophers { //初始化为0, 二进制表示则为00000, 说明当前所有叉子都未被使用 private AtomicInteger fork = new AtomicInteger(0), both = new AtomicInteger(0); //每个叉子的int值(即二进制的00001, 00010, 00100, 01000, 10000) private final int[] forkMask = new int[]{1, 2, 4, 8, 16}; public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftMask = forkMask[(philosopher + 1) % 5], rightMask = forkMask[philosopher]; while (!both.compareAndSet(0, 1)) Thread.sleep(1); //进入临界区 while (!pickFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起左边的叉子 while (!pickFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起右边的叉子 pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 while (!both.compareAndSet(1, 0)) Thread.sleep(1); //退出临界区 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 while (!putFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //放下右边的叉子 while (!putFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //放下左边的叉子 } private boolean pickFork(int mask) { int expect = fork.get(); return (expect & mask) > 0 ? false : fork.compareAndSet(expect, expect ^ mask); } private boolean putFork(int mask) { int expect = fork.get(); return fork.compareAndSet(expect, expect ^ mask); } }
class DiningPhilosophers { //初始化为0, 二进制表示则为00000, 说明当前所有叉子都未被使用 private AtomicInteger fork = new AtomicInteger(0); //每个叉子的int值(即二进制的00001, 00010, 00100, 01000, 10000) private final int[] forkMask = new int[]{1, 2, 4, 8, 16}; public DiningPhilosophers() { } // call the run() method of any runnable to execute its code public void wantsToEat(int philosopher, Runnable pickLeftFork, Runnable pickRightFork, Runnable eat, Runnable putLeftFork, Runnable putRightFork) throws InterruptedException { int leftMask = forkMask[(philosopher + 1) % 5], rightMask = forkMask[philosopher]; //编号为偶数的哲学家,优先拿起左边的叉子,再拿起右边的叉子 if (philosopher % 2 == 0) { while (!pickFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起左边的叉子 while (!pickFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起右边的叉子 }//编号为奇数的哲学家,优先拿起右边的叉子,再拿起左边的叉子 else { while (!pickFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起右边的叉子 while (!pickFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //拿起左边的叉子 } pickLeftFork.run(); //拿起左边的叉子 的具体执行 pickRightFork.run(); //拿起右边的叉子 的具体执行 eat.run(); //吃意大利面 的具体执行 putLeftFork.run(); //放下左边的叉子 的具体执行 putRightFork.run(); //放下右边的叉子 的具体执行 while (!putFork(rightMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //放下右边的叉子 while (!putFork(leftMask)) Thread.sleep(1); //放下左边的叉子 } private boolean pickFork(int mask) { int expect = fork.get(); return (expect & mask) > 0 ? false : fork.compareAndSet(expect, expect ^ mask); } private boolean putFork(int mask) { int expect = fork.get(); return fork.compareAndSet(expect, expect ^ mask); } }


通过次数 提交次数 AC比率
12378 20825 59.4%


提交时间 提交结果 执行时间 内存消耗 语言
1206-设计跳表(Design Skiplist)
1221-分割平衡字符串(Split a String in Balanced Strings)