原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/describe-the-painting
There is a long and thin painting that can be represented by a number line. The painting was painted with multiple overlapping segments where each segment was painted with a unique color. You are given a 2D integer array segments
, where segments[i] = [starti, endi, colori]
represents the half-closed segment [starti, endi)
with colori
as the color.
The colors in the overlapping segments of the painting were mixed when it was painted. When two or more colors mix, they form a new color that can be represented as a set of mixed colors.
- For example, if colors
, and6
are mixed, then the resulting mixed color is{2,4,6}
For the sake of simplicity, you should only output the sum of the elements in the set rather than the full set.
You want to describe the painting with the minimum number of non-overlapping half-closed segments of these mixed colors. These segments can be represented by the 2D array painting
where painting[j] = [leftj, rightj, mixj]
describes a half-closed segment [leftj, rightj)
with the mixed color sum of mixj
- For example, the painting created with
segments = [[1,4,5],[1,7,7]]
can be described bypainting = [[1,4,12],[4,7,7]]
because:<ul> <li><code>[1,4)</code> is colored <code>{5,7}</code> (with a sum of <code>12</code>) from both the first and second segments.</li> <li><code>[4,7)</code> is colored <code>{7}</code> from only the second segment.</li> </ul> </li>
Return the 2D array painting
describing the finished painting (excluding any parts that are not painted). You may return the segments in any order.
A half-closed segment [a, b)
is the section of the number line between points a
and b
including point a
and not including point b
Example 1:

Input: segments = [[1,4,5],[4,7,7],[1,7,9]] Output: [[1,4,14],[4,7,16]] Explanation: The painting can be described as follows: - [1,4) is colored {5,9} (with a sum of 14) from the first and third segments. - [4,7) is colored {7,9} (with a sum of 16) from the second and third segments.
Example 2:

Input: segments = [[1,7,9],[6,8,15],[8,10,7]] Output: [[1,6,9],[6,7,24],[7,8,15],[8,10,7]] Explanation: The painting can be described as follows: - [1,6) is colored 9 from the first segment. - [6,7) is colored {9,15} (with a sum of 24) from the first and second segments. - [7,8) is colored 15 from the second segment. - [8,10) is colored 7 from the third segment.
Example 3:

Input: segments = [[1,4,5],[1,4,7],[4,7,1],[4,7,11]] Output: [[1,4,12],[4,7,12]] Explanation: The painting can be described as follows: - [1,4) is colored {5,7} (with a sum of 12) from the first and second segments. - [4,7) is colored {1,11} (with a sum of 12) from the third and fourth segments. Note that returning a single segment [1,7) is incorrect because the mixed color sets are different.
1 <= segments.length <= 2 * 104
segments[i].length == 3
1 <= starti < endi <= 105
1 <= colori <= 109
- Each
is distinct.
给你一个细长的画,用数轴表示。这幅画由若干有重叠的线段表示,每个线段有 独一无二 的颜色。给你二维整数数组 segments
,其中 segments[i] = [starti, endi, colori]
表示线段为 半开区间 [starti, endi)
且颜色为 colori
线段间重叠部分的颜色会被 混合 。如果有两种或者更多颜色混合时,它们会形成一种新的颜色,用一个 集合 表示这个混合颜色。
- 比方说,如果颜色
为了简化题目,你不需要输出整个集合,只需要用集合中所有元素的 和 来表示颜色集合。
你想要用 最少数目 不重叠 半开区间 来 表示 这幅混合颜色的画。这些线段可以用二维数组 painting
表示,其中 painting[j] = [leftj, rightj, mixj]
表示一个 半开区间[leftj, rightj)
的颜色 和 为 mixj
- 比方说,这幅画由
segments = [[1,4,5],[1,7,7]]
组成,那么它可以表示为painting = [[1,4,12],[4,7,7]]
,因为:<ul> <li><code>[1,4)</code> 由颜色 <code>{5,7}</code> 组成(和为 <code>12</code>),分别来自第一个线段和第二个线段。</li> <li><code>[4,7)</code> 由颜色 <code>{7}</code> 组成,来自第二个线段。</li> </ul> </li>
请你返回二维数组 painting
,它表示最终绘画的结果(没有 被涂色的部分不出现在结果中)。你可以按 任意顺序 返回最终数组的结果。
半开区间 [a, b)
是数轴上点 a
和点 b
之间的部分,包含 点 a
且 不包含 点 b
示例 1:

输入:segments = [[1,4,5],[4,7,7],[1,7,9]] 输出:[[1,4,14],[4,7,16]] 解释:绘画借故偶可以表示为: - [1,4) 颜色为 {5,9} (和为 14),分别来自第一和第二个线段。 - [4,7) 颜色为 {7,9} (和为 16),分别来自第二和第三个线段。
示例 2:

输入:segments = [[1,7,9],[6,8,15],[8,10,7]] 输出:[[1,6,9],[6,7,24],[7,8,15],[8,10,7]] 解释:绘画结果可以以表示为: - [1,6) 颜色为 9 ,来自第一个线段。 - [6,7) 颜色为 {9,15} (和为 24),来自第一和第二个线段。 - [7,8) 颜色为 15 ,来自第二个线段。 - [8,10) 颜色为 7 ,来自第三个线段。
示例 3:

输入:segments = [[1,4,5],[1,4,7],[4,7,1],[4,7,11]] 输出:[[1,4,12],[4,7,12]] 解释:绘画结果可以表示为: - [1,4) 颜色为 {5,7} (和为 12),分别来自第一和第二个线段。 - [4,7) 颜色为 {1,11} (和为 12),分别来自第三和第四个线段。 注意,只返回一个单独的线段 [1,7) 是不正确的,因为混合颜色的集合不相同。
1 <= segments.length <= 2 * 104
segments[i].length == 3
1 <= starti < endi <= 105
1 <= colori <= 109
- 每种颜色
#define ll long long
class Solution {
vector<vector<long long>> splitPainting(vector<vector<int>>& segments) {
map<int, ll> mp;
for (const auto& v: segments) {
int start = v[0], end = v[1], color = v[2];
mp[start] += color;
mp[end] -= color;
vector<vector<ll>> ans;
ll last = 0, col = 0;
for (const auto& p: mp) {
if (col != 0) ans.push_back({last, p.first, col});
last = p.first;
col += p.second;
return ans;
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2009 | 4867 | 41.3% |
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