794-有效的井字游戏(Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State)
发表于:2021-12-03 | 分类: 中等
字数统计: 1.4k | 阅读时长: 6分钟 | 阅读量:

原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/valid-tic-tac-toe-state


Given a Tic-Tac-Toe board as a string array board, return true if and only if it is possible to reach this board position during the course of a valid tic-tac-toe game.

The board is a 3 x 3 array that consists of characters ' ', 'X', and 'O'. The ' ' character represents an empty square.

Here are the rules of Tic-Tac-Toe:

  • Players take turns placing characters into empty squares ' '.
  • The first player always places 'X' characters, while the second player always places 'O' characters.
  • 'X' and 'O' characters are always placed into empty squares, never filled ones.
  • The game ends when there are three of the same (non-empty) character filling any row, column, or diagonal.
  • The game also ends if all squares are non-empty.
  • No more moves can be played if the game is over.


Example 1:

Input: board = ["O  ","   ","   "]
Output: false
Explanation: The first player always plays "X".

Example 2:

Input: board = ["XOX"," X ","   "]
Output: false
Explanation: Players take turns making moves.

Example 3:

Input: board = ["XXX","   ","OOO"]
Output: false

Example 4:

Input: board = ["XOX","O O","XOX"]
Output: true



  • board.length == 3
  • board[i].length == 3
  • board[i][j] is either 'X', 'O', or ' '.


用字符串数组作为井字游戏的游戏板 board。当且仅当在井字游戏过程中,玩家有可能将字符放置成游戏板所显示的状态时,才返回 true。

该游戏板是一个 3 x 3 数组,由字符 " ""X" 和 "O" 组成。字符 " " 代表一个空位。


  • 玩家轮流将字符放入空位(" ")中。
  • 第一个玩家总是放字符 “X”,且第二个玩家总是放字符 “O”。
  • “X” 和 “O” 只允许放置在空位中,不允许对已放有字符的位置进行填充。
  • 当有 3 个相同(且非空)的字符填充任何行、列或对角线时,游戏结束。
  • 当所有位置非空时,也算为游戏结束。
  • 如果游戏结束,玩家不允许再放置字符。
示例 1:
输入: board = ["O  ", "   ", "   "]
输出: false
解释: 第一个玩家总是放置“X”。

示例 2:
输入: board = ["XOX", " X ", "   "]
输出: false
解释: 玩家应该是轮流放置的。

示例 3:
输入: board = ["XXX", "   ", "OOO"]
输出: false

示例 4:
输入: board = ["XOX", "O O", "XOX"]
输出: true


  • 游戏板 board 是长度为 3 的字符串数组,其中每个字符串 board[i] 的长度为 3。
  •  board[i][j] 是集合 {" ", "X", "O"} 中的一个字符。






  • 因为所有的玩家轮流放棋,所以 X 的数量一定大于等于 O 的数量。

  • 获胜的玩家一定是在自己放棋后赢得比赛。

    • 如果第一个玩家获胜,则 X 的数量比 O 的数量多 1。
    • 如果第二个玩家获胜,则 X 的数量与 O 的数量相同。
  • 游戏板上不可能同时出现 3 个 X 在一行 和 3 个 O 在另一行。因为一旦有玩家获胜,游戏结束,另外一名玩家不能再放棋。

事实证明,以上条件包含了游戏板生效的全部情况。可以通过反证法验证上面分类条件的正确性。在任何一局比赛中,只能有 3 种结果,要么没有玩家获胜,要么只有一个玩家获胜,要么两个玩家都获胜。在前两种情况下,通过检查两种棋的数量关系即可验证是否有效。最后这一种情况下,不允许两个玩家同时获胜。


统计游戏板上 XO 的数量并记录在 xCountoCount 中。

使用函数 win(player) 检查玩家是否获胜,它检查在棋盘的 3 行,3 列和 2 条对角线上是否有该玩家的连续 3 枚棋子。

class Solution { public boolean validTicTacToe(String[] board) { int xCount = 0, oCount = 0; for (String row: board) for (char c: row.toCharArray()) { if (c == 'X') xCount++; if (c == 'O') oCount++; } if (oCount != xCount && oCount != xCount - 1) return false; if (win(board, 'X') && oCount != xCount - 1) return false; if (win(board, 'O') && oCount != xCount) return false; return true; } public boolean win(String[] B, char P) { // B: board, P: player for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (P == B[0].charAt(i) && P == B[1].charAt(i) && P == B[2].charAt(i)) return true; if (P == B[i].charAt(0) && P == B[i].charAt(1) && P == B[i].charAt(2)) return true; } if (P == B[0].charAt(0) && P == B[1].charAt(1) && P == B[2].charAt(2)) return true; if (P == B[0].charAt(2) && P == B[1].charAt(1) && P == B[2].charAt(0)) return true; return false; } }
class Solution(object): def validTicTacToe(self, board): FIRST, SECOND = 'XO' x_count = sum(row.count(FIRST) for row in board) o_count = sum(row.count(SECOND) for row in board) def win(board, player): for i in xrange(3): if all(board[i][j] == player for j in xrange(3)): return True if all(board[j][i] == player for j in xrange(3)): return True return (player == board[1][1] == board[0][0] == board[2][2] or player == board[1][1] == board[0][2] == board[2][0]) if o_count not in {x_count-1, x_count}: return False if win(board, FIRST) and x_count-1 != o_count: return False if win(board, SECOND) and x_count != o_count: return False return True


  • 时间和空间复杂度:$O(1)$。


通过次数 提交次数 AC比率
7584 22126 34.3%


提交时间 提交结果 执行时间 内存消耗 语言


题目 难度
设计井字棋 中等
793-阶乘函数后 K 个零(Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function)
795-区间子数组个数(Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum)