851-喧闹和富有(Loud and Rich)
发表于:2021-12-03 | 分类: 中等
字数统计: 1.4k | 阅读时长: 6分钟 | 阅读量:

原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/loud-and-rich


There is a group of n people labeled from 0 to n - 1 where each person has a different amount of money and a different level of quietness.

You are given an array richer where richer[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that ai has more money than bi and an integer array quiet where quiet[i] is the quietness of the ith person. All the given data in richer are logically correct (i.e., the data will not lead you to a situation where x is richer than y and y is richer than x at the same time).

Return an integer array answer where answer[x] = y if y is the least quiet person (that is, the person y with the smallest value of quiet[y]) among all people who definitely have equal to or more money than the person x.


Example 1:

Input: richer = [[1,0],[2,1],[3,1],[3,7],[4,3],[5,3],[6,3]], quiet = [3,2,5,4,6,1,7,0]
Output: [5,5,2,5,4,5,6,7]
answer[0] = 5.
Person 5 has more money than 3, which has more money than 1, which has more money than 0.
The only person who is quieter (has lower quiet[x]) is person 7, but it is not clear if they have more money than person 0.
answer[7] = 7.
Among all people that definitely have equal to or more money than person 7 (which could be persons 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7), the person who is the quietest (has lower quiet[x]) is person 7.
The other answers can be filled out with similar reasoning.

Example 2:

Input: richer = [], quiet = [0]
Output: [0]



  • n == quiet.length
  • 1 <= n <= 500
  • 0 <= quiet[i] < n
  • All the values of quiet are unique.
  • 0 <= richer.length <= n * (n - 1) / 2
  • 0 <= ai, bi < n
  • ai != bi
  • All the pairs of richer are unique.
  • The observations in richer are all logically consistent.


在一组 N 个人(编号为 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1)中,每个人都有不同数目的钱,以及不同程度的安静(quietness)。

为了方便起见,我们将编号为 x 的人简称为 "person x "。

如果能够肯定 person x 比 person y 更有钱的话,我们会说 richer[i] = [x, y] 。注意 richer 可能只是有效观察的一个子集。

另外,如果 person x 的安静程度为 q ,我们会说 quiet[x] = q 。

现在,返回答案 answer ,其中 answer[x] = y 的前提是,在所有拥有的钱不少于 person x 的人中,person y 是最安静的人(也就是安静值 quiet[y] 最小的人)。


输入:richer = [[1,0],[2,1],[3,1],[3,7],[4,3],[5,3],[6,3]], quiet = [3,2,5,4,6,1,7,0]
answer[0] = 5,
person 5 比 person 3 有更多的钱,person 3 比 person 1 有更多的钱,person 1 比 person 0 有更多的钱。
唯一较为安静(有较低的安静值 quiet[x])的人是 person 7,
但是目前还不清楚他是否比 person 0 更有钱。

answer[7] = 7,
在所有拥有的钱肯定不少于 person 7 的人中(这可能包括 person 3,4,5,6 以及 7),
最安静(有较低安静值 quiet[x])的人是 person 7。



  1. 1 <= quiet.length = N <= 500
  2. 0 <= quiet[i] < N,所有 quiet[i] 都不相同。
  3. 0 <= richer.length <= N * (N-1) / 2
  4. 0 <= richer[i][j] < N
  5. richer[i][0] != richer[i][1]
  6. richer[i] 都是不同的。
  7. 对 richer 的观察在逻辑上是一致的。





如果 yx 富有,就认为在有向图中存在边 x -> y

对每个 x(也就是每个人),我们都希望最安静的人就在 x 的子树中。


构建上面所描述的图,并且 dfs(person)person 的子树上最安静的人。注意,因为语句在逻辑上是一致的,所以图必须是有向无环图(即,DAG)—— 任意一条边都有方向,且不存在环路的图。

现在 dfs(person) 既可以是 person 本身,也可以是 min(dfs(child)) 。也就是说,子树中最安静的人可以是 person 本身,或者是 person 的子结点的某个子树中最安静的人。

当执行图的 后序遍历 时,我们可以将 dfs(person) 的值缓存为 answer[person] 。这样,我们就不会重复工作。该技巧有助于将算法的时间复杂度从平方阶降低到线性阶。

class Solution { ArrayList<Integer>[] graph; int[] answer; int[] quiet; public int[] loudAndRich(int[][] richer, int[] quiet) { int N = quiet.length; graph = new ArrayList[N]; answer = new int[N]; this.quiet = quiet; for (int node = 0; node < N; ++node) graph[node] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int[] edge: richer) graph[edge[1]].add(edge[0]); Arrays.fill(answer, -1); for (int node = 0; node < N; ++node) dfs(node); return answer; } public int dfs(int node) { if (answer[node] == -1) { answer[node] = node; for (int child: graph[node]) { int cand = dfs(child); if (quiet[cand] < quiet[answer[node]]) answer[node] = cand; } } return answer[node]; } }
class Solution(object): def loudAndRich(self, richer, quiet): N = len(quiet) graph = [[] for _ in xrange(N)] for u, v in richer: graph[v].append(u) answer = [None] * N def dfs(node): #Want least quiet person in this subtree if answer[node] is None: answer[node] = node for child in graph[node]: cand = dfs(child) if quiet[cand] < quiet[answer[node]]: answer[node] = cand return answer[node] return map(dfs, range(N))


  • 时间复杂度:${O}(N^2)$ ,其中 $N$ 为总人数。遍历 richer 数组,在每个新遍历到的人都比前一个更富有的情况下,该数组至多可以包含 $1 + … + N - 1 = N(N - 1) / 2$ 个元素。

  • 空间复杂度:${O}(N^2)$,用于维护一个有 $N^2$ 条边的图。


通过次数 提交次数 AC比率
4761 9669 49.2%


提交时间 提交结果 执行时间 内存消耗 语言
519-随机翻转矩阵(Random Flip Matrix)
862-和至少为 K 的最短子数组(Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K)