There are n
cars going to the same destination along a one-lane road. The destination is target
miles away.
You are given two integer array position
and speed
, both of length n
, where position[i]
is the position of the ith
car and speed[i]
is the speed of the ith
car (in miles per hour).
A car can never pass another car ahead of it, but it can catch up to it and drive bumper to bumper at the same speed. The faster car will slow down to match the slower car's speed. The distance between these two cars is ignored (i.e., they are assumed to have the same position).
A car fleet is some non-empty set of cars driving at the same position and same speed. Note that a single car is also a car fleet.
If a car catches up to a car fleet right at the destination point, it will still be considered as one car fleet.
Return the number of car fleets that will arrive at the destination.
Example 1:
Input: target = 12, position = [10,8,0,5,3], speed = [2,4,1,1,3] Output: 3 Explanation: The cars starting at 10 and 8 become a fleet, meeting each other at 12. The car starting at 0 doesn't catch up to any other car, so it is a fleet by itself. The cars starting at 5 (speed 3) and 3 (speed 1) become a fleet, meeting each other at 6. The fleet moves at speed 1 until it reaches target. Note that no other cars meet these fleets before the destination, so the answer is 3.
Example 2:
Input: target = 10, position = [3], speed = [3] Output: 1 Explanation: There is only one car, hence there is only one fleet.
Example 3:
Input: target = 100, position = [0,2,4], speed = [4,2,1] Output: 1 Explanation: The cars starting at 0 (speed 4) and 2 (speed 2) become a fleet, meeting each other at 4. The fleet moves at speed 2. Then, the fleet (speed 2) and the car starting at 4 (speed 1) become one fleet, meeting each other at 6. The fleet moves at speed 1 until it reaches target.
n == position.length == speed.length
1 <= n <= 105
0 < target <= 106
0 <= position[i] < target
- All the values of
are unique. 0 < speed[i] <= 106
辆车沿着一条车道驶向位于 target
每辆车 i
以恒定的速度 speed[i]
(英里/小时),从初始位置 position[i]
(英里) 沿车道驶向目的地。
车队 是一些由行驶在相同位置、具有相同速度的车组成的非空集合。注意,一辆车也可以是一个车队。
输入:target = 12, position = [10,8,0,5,3], speed = [2,4,1,1,3] 输出:3 解释: 从 10 和 8 开始的车会组成一个车队,它们在 12 处相遇。 从 0 处开始的车无法追上其它车,所以它自己就是一个车队。 从 5 和 3 开始的车会组成一个车队,它们在 6 处相遇。 请注意,在到达目的地之前没有其它车会遇到这些车队,所以答案是 3。
0 <= N <= 10 ^ 4
0 < target <= 10 ^ 6
0 < speed[i] <= 10 ^ 6
0 <= position[i] < target
- 所有车的初始位置各不相同。
我们首先对这些车辆按照它们的起始位置降序排序,并且用 (target - position) / speed
计算出每辆车在不受其余车的影响时,行驶到终点需要的时间。对于相邻的两辆车 S
和 F
的起始位置大于 S
,如果 S
行驶到终点需要的时间小于等于 F
,那么 S
一定会在终点前追上 F
并形成车队。这是因为在追上 F
的行驶速度并不会减小,而 F
却有可能因为追上前面的车辆而速度减小,因此 S
总能在终点前追上 F
[sol1]class Solution { public int carFleet(int target, int[] position, int[] speed) { int N = position.length; Car[] cars = new Car[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cars[i] = new Car(position[i], (double) (target - position[i]) / speed[i]); Arrays.sort(cars, (a, b) -> Integer.compare(a.position, b.position)); int ans = 0, t = N; while (--t > 0) { if (cars[t].time < cars[t-1].time) ans++; //if cars[t] arrives sooner, it can't be caught else cars[t-1] = cars[t]; //else, cars[t-1] arrives at same time as cars[t] } return ans + (t == 0 ? 1 : 0); //lone car is fleet (if it exists) } } class Car { int position; double time; Car(int p, double t) { position = p; time = t; } }
[sol1]class Solution(object): def carFleet(self, target, position, speed): cars = sorted(zip(position, speed)) times = [float(target - p) / s for p, s in cars] ans = 0 while len(times) > 1: lead = times.pop() if lead < times[-1]: ans += 1 # if lead arrives sooner, it can't be caught else: times[-1] = lead # else, fleet arrives at later time 'lead' return ans + bool(times) # remaining car is fleet (if it exists)
时间复杂度:$O(N \log N)$,即为排序的时间复杂度。
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10852 | 28089 | 38.6% |
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