Design an algorithm to figure out if someone has won a game of tic-tac-toe. Input is a string array of size N x N, including characters " ", "X" and "O", where " " represents a empty grid.
The rules of tic-tac-toe are as follows:
- Players place characters into an empty grid(" ") in turn.
- The first player always place character "O", and the second one place "X".
- Players are only allowed to place characters in empty grid. Replacing a character is not allowed.
- If there is any row, column or diagonal filled with N same characters, the game ends. The player who place the last charater wins.
- When there is no empty grid, the game ends.
- If the game ends, players cannot place any character further.
If there is any winner, return the character that the winner used. If there's a draw, return "Draw". If the game doesn't end and there is no winner, return "Pending".
Example 1:
Input: board = ["O X"," XO","X O"] Output: "X"
Example 2:
Input: board = ["OOX","XXO","OXO"] Output: "Draw" Explanation: no player wins and no empty grid left
Example 3:
Input: board = ["OOX","XXO","OX "] Output: "Pending" Explanation: no player wins but there is still a empty grid
1 <= board.length == board[i].length <= 100
- Input follows the rules.
设计一个算法,判断玩家是否赢了井字游戏。输入是一个 N x N 的数组棋盘,由字符" ","X"和"O"组成,其中字符" "代表一个空位。
- 玩家轮流将字符放入空位(" ")中。
- 第一个玩家总是放字符"O",且第二个玩家总是放字符"X"。
- "X"和"O"只允许放置在空位中,不允许对已放有字符的位置进行填充。
- 当有N个相同(且非空)的字符填充任何行、列或对角线时,游戏结束,对应该字符的玩家获胜。
- 当所有位置非空时,也算为游戏结束。
- 如果游戏结束,玩家不允许再放置字符。
如果游戏存在获胜者,就返回该游戏的获胜者使用的字符("X"或"O");如果游戏以平局结束,则返回 "Draw";如果仍会有行动(游戏未结束),则返回 "Pending"。
示例 1:
输入: board = ["O X"," XO","X O"] 输出: "X"
示例 2:
输入: board = ["OOX","XXO","OXO"] 输出: "Draw" 解释: 没有玩家获胜且不存在空位
示例 3:
输入: board = ["OOX","XXO","OX "] 输出: "Pending" 解释: 没有玩家获胜且仍存在空位
1 <= board.length == board[i].length <= 100
- 输入一定遵循井字棋规则
// 别人的想法,我加个注释,希望大家看得清楚一点
class Solution {
public String tictactoe(String[] board) {
int length = board.length;
int heng = 0; //横的和
int zong = 0; //纵的和
int left = 0; //左斜线
int right = 0; //右斜线
boolean flag = false; //记录有没有空格
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
heng = 0; zong = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
heng = heng + (int) board[i].charAt(j);
zong = zong + (int) board[j].charAt(i);
if(board[i].charAt(j) == ' ') flag = true;
if (heng == (int)'X' * length || zong == (int)'X' * length) return "X";
if (heng == (int)'O' * length || zong == (int)'O' * length) return "O";
left = left + (int)board[i].charAt(i);
right = right + (int)board[i].charAt(length - i - 1);
if (left == (int)'X' * length || right == (int)'X' * length) return "X";
if (left == (int)'O' * length || right == (int)'O' * length) return "O";
if (flag) return "Pending";
return "Draw";
通过次数 | 提交次数 | AC比率 |
7633 | 16601 | 46.0% |
提交时间 | 提交结果 | 执行时间 | 内存消耗 | 语言 |