原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/self-dividing-numbers
英文原文A self-dividing number is a number that is divisible
数学 分类
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/monotone-increasing-digits
英文原文An integer has monotone increasing digits if and
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/reach-a-number
英文原文You are standing at position 0 on an infinite number line. T
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/prime-number-of-set-bits-in-binary-representation
英文原文Given two integers left a
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/basic-calculator-iv
英文原文Given an expression such as expression = "e + 8 -
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/global-and-local-inversions
英文原文You are given an integer array nums of length n
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/k-th-symbol-in-grammar
英文原文We build a table of n rows (1-indexed). We start by
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/reaching-points
英文原文Given four integers sx, sy, tx, and ty, return true if it i
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/transform-to-chessboard
英文原文You are given an n x n binary grid board. In each m
原文链接: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/rotated-digits
英文原文An integer x is a good if after rotating each digit individu